Below is a list of the different roles within the healthLearn LMS
Site Manager
Managers can access course and modify them, they usually do not participate in courses.
Course creator
Course creators can create new courses anywhere within the whole system
Tutors can do anything within a course, including changing the activities and grading students.
Responsible for delivering training of learners, but may not alter activities.
User acquiring knowledge, comprehension, or mastery through learning
Guests have minimal privileges and usually can not enter text anywhere.
Staff Manager
User tasked with managing the performance of a learner or team
Authenticated user
All logged in users.
User tasked with assessing the performance of a learner
Regional Manager
User who is responsible for the performance of a region and has access to regional reports
Regional Trainer
User who oversees the delivery of training within a region
Guest Tutor
Tutors can do anything within a course, including changing the activities and grading students.
A SuperUser is a local support person for small organisations. Generally organisations with a service desk would not have a SuperUser. Enabled Rights are; -View list of staff in their organisation (Via dashboard) -View Staff Profiles (Via dashboard) -Update Staff Passwords (Via dashboard) -Update Profile Details (Via dashboard) -Cannot Create or Delete Users (Via dashboard) Based on the ROLE:SuperUser Audience (DYNAMIC)
IT Helpdesk
Role which enables the user to maintain user accounts regardless of the organisation. Unable to delete users Based on the ROLE:IT Helpdesk Audience (SET)
An Educator is involved in supporting managers and staff in training and development Enabled Rights are; - Approve face-to-face courses on behalf of managers - Book staff into face-to-face training (via dashboard) Based on the ROLE:Educator Audience (SET)
Course Developer
Course Developers can create new courses in the Under Development Category, and also view the under development category which is generally hidden from general users
Audit and Quality Staff
Role for staff who require access to reports for audit and quality purposes
This role allows access to Quality and Audit Reports
No other additional permissions
If you require to be assigned one of these roles - please contact the healthLearn admin team for further assistance