Manager and Educator - Important information for new staff or staff leaving
If a new member of staff begins in your workplace and...
They already have a healthLearn account - Just ask them to update their position (if applicable), workplace and manager. It is important that they do not create another account as this will result in two accounts they have to maintain and two records of learning. If they have lost access to their account contact the technical team on
If staff do not have a healthLearn account - Ask them to create a new account. When they create their account they can set their workplace and position during setup - but can only select their Manager once they have logged into the system with an active account. This is for security reasons so that people without healthLearn access cannot view the user directory, and to ensure that only people who are logged in can view the user directory.
If a staff member is moving on
If a staff member starts a new job, they will still be able to access healthLearn and their record of learning. Please encourage them to do the following
Update their email address if needed. To reset their password, they will need to have access to an email address. Staff who have work email addresses can update their details in their user profile to a home/personal email - or to their new workplace email address.
Update their workplace. Please ensure that they update their workplace in the My Details Block (Job Description)
Update their manager. Please ask them to update their manager in their My Details Block. If they are going to a place where their manager does not have an account, just get them to delete their old manager - and then they can update their manager when they are able.