Via email. If you are asked to approve a booking, and email is sent out to you. There is a link in the email which you can click on - you will be prompted to log in to healthLearn, and then the approval page should be displayed. You will need to select either 'Accept" or "Reject" and then update.
Via your Task box. If you have an approval waiting, then this will also be displayed in your Task Box/Block located on your dashboard and also within your Team tab information located on the main menu. You need to click on the link in the task (handy hint - click the i symbol for more information). You will need to select either 'Accept" or "Reject" and then update.
If you click 'View all tasks' you can see the information that you have been emailed - and can then click on the link under the words "Please follow the link below to APPROVE OR DECLINE the request", then you will need to select either 'Accept" or "Reject" and then update.
To keep track of your requests - once you have actioned them - it is helpful to clean up your task box and delete these processed requests by selecting the task and then at the bottom of the page - click 'Dismiss'
Please note: the staff MUST have selected you as their manager for any requests to appear on your dashboard.